
This morning we had Bob, Dennis and crew on board. Loaded the wells and looked around. Once we found what we wanted, the guys had lock and load fishing landing a quick box and going into release mode with blues and bass. Bounced around throughout the morning picking away and finally got a nice shot of larger fish with a few in the upper 30# range.
PM- This afternoon we had our open boat crew out. This is definitely a trip for the books. Reloaded the wells and took a ride to where we left them. Came across fish blowing bunkers out of the water here and there. Had fish on as soon as the bait hit the water with a mix of fish from 29" to 53". The guys did a great job all afternoon working together to avoid the tangles and get these fish to the boat family quick. Ended the afternoon with several dozen fish landed and released, keeping a few smaller ones for the table. We would like to congratulate Mark on his new pb that tipped the scale at 51#. Just as we thought the afternoon couldn't get any better it did. Long time customer Grant brought boat side a true monster. Once the fish was in the boat we knew it was a new boat record. His fish taped out at 52" long with a 30.5" girth. On the boga the fish tipped the scale to a hair over 58#. Congrats to Grant on the fish of a lifetime and one that we have been looking for on the boat for a long time.

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B & D Fishing Charters
Mailing Address : 93 Portland Road
Highlands, NJ 07732 ‎ ,
Captain Derek Bielitz
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