Striped Bass : Striped bass fishing in the Sandy Hook area is some of the best in the world, with fish ranging from just a few pounds to trophies well over 50 pound. We fish a variety of methods for striped bass depending on the season, weather and available bait. You will see us clamming, chunking bunker, live-lining bunker, jigging, plugging, worming or eelling as well as trolling. We do what is needed to catch fish. Whether it be an early morning or an afternoon trip, striped bass fishing is a favorite among many of our customers.
Fluke: Fluke (summer flounder) transit our local water from May thru September. We fish deep water structures and rocky bottom with bucktails and large baits to allow our customers a chance at a doormat fluke (over 10 pounds). This is not your normal fluke fishing of dragging bait on the bottom. This fishing requires a little effort to make the bucktails work and entice the fish to strike. This type of fluke fishing provides the opportunity to catch larger fish.
Bluefish; Pound for pound some of the hardest fighting fish in our waters. Blues range from 1/2 pound all the way up to 20 pounds. We can catch bluefish inshore in our bays to a few miles off the jersey shore. We fish for bluefish with jigs, lures, bait, chumming and trolling. Bluefish also travel with schools of stripe bass.
Sharks: Shark fishing provides some of the most blood rushing adrenaline one can get. Anywhere from a few miles off the beach, out to the canyons, various species of sharks swim our waters. From the delicious eating makos and threshers to hammerheads, tiger sharks, and brown sharks, you never know what you may hook while sharking. Nothing gets your blood rushing like seeing a big shark leap a few feet out of the water during the fight. Heavier stand-up tackle is used and safety is always our priority.
Inshore Tuna (up to 70 miles): From inshore tuna out to 70 miles. Bluefin and yellowfin dominate. Trolling, chunking, and jigging will get the rods bending and drags screaming and put these delicious eating fish into the boat and on ice. As a bonus when tuna fishing, there is always a chance at a bonus mahi to add to the dinner plate.
Blackfish: Starting in mid November and running through the winter, blackfish are swimming around local wrecks and reefs. Fishing crabs and clams from depths ranging 20 feet down to 170 feet anglers can catch these great fighting and eating fish. Blackfish are a species that requires some patience as the angler has to be very attentive and pay close attention to the bites and when to set the hook. But once the angler has a feel, there is nothing better than setting the hook and getting that fish off the bottom making sure a nice blackfish can't swim down and get you stuck back in the structure.
Bottom Fishing: Depending on the season and location of where we are fishing, bottom fishing can provide a mixed bag catch. Ling, cod, sea bass, winter flounder, and pollock can be found on our local wrecks pretty much all year and can be caught from depths of 40 ft down to 220 ft. These bottom dwellers are usually caught on bait such as clams and squid, but can sometimes be jigged as well.