Great striper fishing continues.
This morning Dave and crew had a great bite landing a few dozen fish to around 30# taking a few for the table and releasing the rest.
This afternoon Mike and crew were onboard. Took a bit to get the bait but once we loaded the wells it was game on. Non-stop action all afternoon for guys with fish 38#. Took a few for dinner and released several dozen more for another day.
Starting to sound like a broken record but excellent fishing on both trips again today.
This morning Dave and friends got into a great liveline bite which turned into chaos as fish were blowing up baits all around the boat. Guys managed to land a few for the table and release several dozen more to 27#.
This afternoon Bill and friends experienced some lock and load fishing taking what they wanted for the table and again releasing several dozen fish to 24#.
Incredible fishing both morning and afternoon in the wind. Fish had the feed on.
Dozens of fish landed and released for both trips taken on live bunker and spoons with the biggest to around 35# for the Paul Rubbe charter this morning.
This afternoon the No Limit crew was non stop with fish to 27#.