Very slow morning today for us, only landing 1 keeper and missing a few others on bait. This afternoon we had steady action boxing out limit and releasing a few overs, keepers and shorts for another day.
Apr 21 -- Very Good Striper Fishing
Written by: Capt.Derek
This morning we hosted Mike and friends. Started the morning off with the first fish on within minutes and had constant action all morning long picking away on shads and other artificials boxing our limit and releasing a few dozen. Action slowed with the end of the tide, so we took a ride and had some fun catching and releasing another dozen or so fish on top water with fish to 20# and called it an early morning to beat the rain.
Apr 20 -- AM/PM Bass
Written by: Capt.Derek
Great morning on the water today with boys from Pells Bait and Tackle. Action right from start to stop all on artificals. Kept 2 for the table and had countless releases till we decided to call it a day.
This afternoon the guys saw a little slower action. Had to wait for the tide, but once we got it managed to box out limit of keepers and released a over a dozen others.